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Brevard Public Schools VPK registration will be held from April 8 – 18, 2019 at the school sites listed below. Please note that registration does not guarantee a VPK slot. On April 18, if there are more registrations submitted than space available at the school site, the VPK slots will be filled by a lottery or selection process. Registration will continue for programs with openings. Parents will be notified if their child will participate or be placed on a wait list.

The items needed for registration at the school are the VPK Certificate of Eligibility, child’s original birth certificate, immunization record, current physical examination and two (2) forms of residence verification.


Step FOURward VPK

Eligible students must reside in the

attendance area of the school.

Roy Allen Elementary

Cape View Elementary

Columbia Elementary

Dr. W. J. Creel Elementary

Croton Elementary

Fairglen Elementary

Golfview Elementary

Harbor City Elementary

MILA Elementary

Pinewood Elementary

Riviera Elementary

Sabal Elementary

Sunrise Elementary

Turner Elementary

Westside Elementary


Blended VPK

Open to all eligible students

Atlantis Elementary

Audubon Elementary

Columbia Elementary

Longleaf Elementary

McAuliffe Elementary

Oak Park Elementary

Pinewood Elementary

Riviera Elementary

Sea Park Elementary

Sunrise Elementary

University Park


Early Childhood Education VPK

Open to all eligible students

Eau Gallie High School

Merritt Island High School

Palm Bay High School

Satellite High School

Viera High School

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